Dear friends and colleagues,
I am delighted to welcome you to SaudiDerm 2024! We are thrilled to have you join us in Riyadh for this exciting event, which brings together dermatologists, researchers, and other healthcare professionals from all over the world.
SaudiDerm is the premier dermatology conference, and it is a unique opportunity to learn from and network with the leading experts in our field.
This year’s conference features a comprehensive scientific program that covers all aspects of dermatology, from basic science to clinical practice.
I am confident that you will find SaudiDerm2024 to be a valuable and rewarding experience. I encourage you to take advantage of all that the conference has to offer, Attend the scientific sessions, participate in the workshops, and network with your colleagues.
I look forward to seeing you at SaudiDerm 2024!
Ahmed Alissa, MD
Dear Colleagues
It is an honour and pleasure to invite you to the 7th SaudiDerm which will b held on January 18 – 20, 2024 in Crown Plaza, Riyadh KSA.
The conference this year will be unique in terms of rich scientific contentIn addition to topics on general dermatology, injectibles and toxins, we will b sharing the latest in Biologics and Jak inhibitors. Moreover, our speakers this year represent the top experts in their field.
I really hope to see you all in the new face of the beautiful city of RiyadhWe enjoy the rich scientific experience along with the lovely weather in January.
Hope to see you all!
Conference President
Vice President
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